Classroom Central fosters equity in education by providing teachers and students with the free resources they need to succeed.
Classroom Central fosters equity in education by providing teachers and students with the free resources they need to succeed.

At Classroom Central, we believe every child deserves a level educational playing field. Through supporting teachers and students in need, we ensure that every class has the resources needed to become world-class. Our innovative programs empower educators and students in 248 schools across six Charlotte-region districts, from Iredell County Schools to Lancaster County Schools.
We provide free essential supplies and resources to local educators specifically through our Free Store, Mobile Free Store, and other community-supported programs. Join us in our mission to help educators guide students from crayon drawings to successful careers by supporting Classroom Central and making a tangible difference in the lives of students and teachers.

Learn how to provide essential supplies to local students and teachers by hosting a 9 School Tools Supply Drive, shopping from our Walmart Registry or Amazon Wish List, or participating in our Kits for A Cause program.
More than 162,000 children in our region lack the basic school supplies needed for school success. That’s more than 54% of local students. Classroom Central can turn each $1 donated into $9 worth of distributed school supplies. Therefore, your gift significantly impacts the educational outcomes for both students and teachers. By supporting teachers and students in need, you make a difference in the lives of local students, helping guide them from crayons to careers.

What Teachers Say About Us
“I have a student who is without a home and lacks for all supplies. She knows that if she needs anything for school she can come to me in private and get what she needs. It takes away the shame of not having, and she is much more confident.”
“I had a student recently join my class. All she came to class with was an empty book bag. When other students began to take out their materials, she was ashamed because she didn’t have anything. I grabbed a zipper pouch filled with crayons, pencils, glue and scissors from Classroom Central and no one thought anything of it. The little girl looked as though she had won the lottery. The materials I receive from Classroom Central have been a life saver on more than one occasion.”
“At the beginning of the school year, one of my students did not know how to let me know that he needed some supplies. I think he felt embarrassed about it. When I found out, I let him know that I was able to get free supplies from Classroom Central for all students who need them. Now, he is a much more confident student.”
“I often have students who are new to our school and have left their book bags and supplies behind for reasons beyond their control. I love that I am able to hand them everything they need in a new book bag. This makes the transition to a new school much easier for them and I’m able to establish a positive student-teacher relationship right away.”
“I have a student who needed just about everything. He didn’t have pens, paper, notebooks or any of the basic supplies. Because of Classroom Central, I was able to give this student what he needed to start the school year successfully. It allowed him to feel better about school and about himself and he was able to keep his work organized.”
“On the first day of school, my students were so happy to receive the composition books, pencils, paper and other materials on that I got at Classroom Central. We wasted no time starting our lessons, because they had the supplies they needed and they were ready to learn.”
“One of my 6th grade students had a book bag that was being held together with tape and staples and I was able to pull him to the side and hand him a new one that I got from Classroom Central. He took it home and decorated it that night and showed it to me the next day. He was so excited and proud of it. His confidence with his peers and his classwork went up dramatically.”